Thursday, January 27, 2011

I support our continued effort to build healthy and strong families that will lead to a stronger nation.

I support community based services that are relevant and timely.                                                          

I support an effective band office and administrative staff that will seek ways of continual improvement to meet membership needs.

I will remain local and dedicated to being available to work with our membership and staff to get our work done.

I will ensure we as a Council ensure that band affairs and decisions are completed in a timely manner.

I believe a principle of good governance is to be open and transparent to the membership; Council and staff will enhance communication through the use of our Matachewan First Nation website and generate regular newsletters for distribution.

We will take continued action to occupy and control access to our territory as part of ensuring that our relationship with the provincial and federal government is maintained and is productive for years to come.

We will establish our territorial interests of sustainability that will both conserve the air, land, water, plants and animals while benefiting from the wealth of our territory.

We will improve our collaboration with our supporting service and advocacy institutions, Wabun Tribal Council, Nishnawbe Aski Nation, Chiefs of Ontario, and the Assembly of First Nations.

10 years Intergovernmental affairs, advocacy and negotiations (4 years with Nishnawbe Aski Nation);
20 years experience related to Lands and Resources Planning and Management;
15 years of business, administrative, contract, fiscal and financial management; and
Ongoing studies in Community Development and Community Economic Development

About me
I am 39 year old band member and am married to Tammy and we have two sons. My parents are Lorne (Punk) and Eleanor (Chicky) Flood and my Grandmother is the recently deceased Elder Laura Flood (Batisse). Since graduating university with a degree in forest management and a minor in native studies, I had set myself on a path of advocacy and inevitably a desire to enter into politics.

I would be humbled and honored to be elected to the position of Chief and I seek your vote.

Chi – megweetch